Monday, June 6, 2011

Virtue in a pocket

What is Virtue in a Pocket (VIP)?

VIP is a character education curriculum based on seven virtues: Responsibility, Respect, Forgiveness, Honesty/Trust, Integrity, In Service and Gratitude.  Each virtue is designed as a daily practice through a program called PAL (Practice, Apply and Live).  PAL incorporates games, arts, music, service projects, meditation, yoga and healthy eating habits as a way for children to practice, apply and live each virtue daily.  VIP's  aim is to deliver effective approaches that will transform the way children think and feel about themselves and everyone around them.  Our desire is to unlock their innate powers through self discovery, infinite possibilities and partnership (with their peers, family, friends and community at large).

What are the benefits of VIP?

Through the daily virtue practice children will learn how to communicate effectively, they will become aware and responsible for their actions as well as exploring the opportunity to take risks.  Each virtue is a shared expression of gratitude and appreciation for who they are authentically.  Therefore, they will experience a shift and improvement in self love and motivation.

How can parents get involved?
  1. Communicate with your child/children about their daily virtue practice 
  2. Ask open ended questions
  3. Listen to what they have to say without judgment
  4. Ask for permission to give feedback (opinions)
  5. Find every opportunity to praise them
  6. Celebrate their accomplishments
July 7th Movement

VIP is proud to begin a seven-week crusade called TAS4ME (take a stand for me) starting July 7th.  Every week we will focus on a virtue.  Each virtue will represent TAS4ME.  It could be as simple as speaking up in class or as difficult as standing up to a bully.  What ever that looks like we are here to help you. Get your friends and family involved in the crusade.  Details to follow.

1 comment:

  1. It is so apparent that this is your path and that your vision is one that is needed on this planet. Kids get to unlock their innate power and it happens in your camp program. I know, I watched my granddaughter blossom in camp. I watched YOUR children and all of our children blosson with the honesty, commitment, kindness and compassion you have for our youth! Thanks for taking this stand Andrea Michelle! I know you are exactly where you need to be!
