Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Can we use PAL to transform the way we think?


Virtue In A Pocket is a guide built on a solid foundation or principle called PAL (Practice, Apply and Live).  PAL is a way to organize information.  Everything we learn is stored, recalled or ciphered in various parts of our brain.  The brain acts like a tape recorder. All information is accessible and attainable if we so choose to listen.  Information is never lost.

As educators it is our duty to draw out the knowledge that is already there in our youngsters by creating a safe environment for them to be who they are authentically.  To do so we must first understand, memory is a choice. We decipher information based on experiences and beliefs.  PAL is a tool we can use to help our youngsters retain, recall, and apply information from their memories in a way that will serve their higher purpose and function in life.  It is a way to disconnect them from the illusions they believe to be real by tapping into their true, unlimited potential.

How does our brain work?

In grade school we learn that our brain gathers information through various processes.  Information is stored in categories for specific uses.  Each time we choose to utilize information that is stored we enter into a recording much like an audio tape.  The recordings are kept in three categories called sensory, short term or long term memories.  Sensory memories are captured though our senses: sight, touch, hearing, smell and taste.  This memory is obtained in the moment and can last for any amount of time depending on the experience. 

Short term memory (S.T.M) which is our "working" memory is constantly flowing.  According to research our S.T.M can only last just a few seconds.    Thereafter the memory is gone unless the information is repeated several times (much like a practice) for it to be stored.
Long term memory (L.T.M) is the ability to retain information for an extended period of time.  Information can be restored, retrieved and encoded into your L.T.M.  Information is stored in a temporary part of the brain called the hyppocampus, then later moved to a more permanent storage space called the neocortex.  Here we learn procedures such as driving a car, riding a bike, recalling facts, dates, names, events, experiences, etc.

How do we choose our information?

Every thought or action is judged through our filters.  Our filters are devices we use to discern information.  These filters are developed by the experiences we encounter during our early childhood.  Information gathered after the age of seven is evidence of what we filtered into our brain earlier on.  This information is used to develop an identity for ourselves. A child may store in her hyppocampus something like: "Good friends are hard to come by" based on something she saw, heard or experienced over the years.  The data she collects are moved to her neocortex ( her long time memory). 

How can we transform information we have in our filters to something that works?

1. Practice: Information is stored in our L.T.M through practice.  Practice developing new theories. 

Ask yourself this: Are my choices serving my greater purpose and function in life?  If the answer is yes, then don't change anything. Keep what is already working.  If the answer is no, choose again. Lets take a look at the same theory that says "Good friends are hard to come by," if so, then there must be another theory that says "Good friends are easy to come by." Collect evidence for the latter theory by creating a list qualities you want in a "good friend."

Look around you,  make a list of names of people in your life and/or in the media who exhibit great, lasting friendships. Use them as mentors.  Ask powerful questions like: Who do I get to be today to attract the friend of my dreams? Be patient and wait to hear the answer to your questions.

2. Apply: One thing we all know for sure is "application" is the key to mastery.  Become a master in the things you seek.

Now that you have made a list of qualities explore them by applying them in your own life. To have it, you must be it.  If you are seeking a friend who is honest, be honest, its that simple!

3. Live: To be able to practice and apply the things we seek is a great honor.  It allows our brains to remember what we know to be the truth. The truth about our authentic selves.   Everything we do, say and experience is a choice. 

Choosing to apply information in our lives require an agreement between its usefulness and validity.  The usefulness of any information answers a very simple question: in this moment how is this serving "me."   Once the question is answered the information gets broken down into meaningful chunks to ensure that it is indeed valid for the purpose in which it is being used.  Once the agreement is made we move through life practicing and applying experiences that are recorded and stored into our memories. 

VIP is on a mission to give children and their families an opportunity to harness great results in their lives by transforming their thought patterns.  Through daily practice and application our lives can be filled with endless possibilities of joy, abundance and gratitude for having  a CHOICE.   Let us choose to transform our thought patterns into positive, uplifting, loving energy that will shift our lives and the lives of our families, friends and loved ones into pure potentiality 100% of the time.  Why not?

Monday, June 6, 2011

Virtue in a pocket

What is Virtue in a Pocket (VIP)?

VIP is a character education curriculum based on seven virtues: Responsibility, Respect, Forgiveness, Honesty/Trust, Integrity, In Service and Gratitude.  Each virtue is designed as a daily practice through a program called PAL (Practice, Apply and Live).  PAL incorporates games, arts, music, service projects, meditation, yoga and healthy eating habits as a way for children to practice, apply and live each virtue daily.  VIP's  aim is to deliver effective approaches that will transform the way children think and feel about themselves and everyone around them.  Our desire is to unlock their innate powers through self discovery, infinite possibilities and partnership (with their peers, family, friends and community at large).

What are the benefits of VIP?

Through the daily virtue practice children will learn how to communicate effectively, they will become aware and responsible for their actions as well as exploring the opportunity to take risks.  Each virtue is a shared expression of gratitude and appreciation for who they are authentically.  Therefore, they will experience a shift and improvement in self love and motivation.

How can parents get involved?
  1. Communicate with your child/children about their daily virtue practice 
  2. Ask open ended questions
  3. Listen to what they have to say without judgment
  4. Ask for permission to give feedback (opinions)
  5. Find every opportunity to praise them
  6. Celebrate their accomplishments
July 7th Movement

VIP is proud to begin a seven-week crusade called TAS4ME (take a stand for me) starting July 7th.  Every week we will focus on a virtue.  Each virtue will represent TAS4ME.  It could be as simple as speaking up in class or as difficult as standing up to a bully.  What ever that looks like we are here to help you. Get your friends and family involved in the crusade.  Details to follow.