Thursday, July 28, 2011

TAS4Me Week Three: Trust Yourself

For the past month or so I have been experiencing the fullness of love and trust.  In doing so I have decided to fall in love with EVERY bit of me.  To get there, I made a mental list of all the things I didn’t enjoy about myself.  Upon reviewing the list I found everything written on the page was from the past, which has nothing to do with who I am today.  However, my past was dictating my life and I was determined to do something about it.  So, I began to take note of my behavioral patterns from as early as I could remember to the present day.  Funny enough, not much has changed.  

Here is what I noticed:
1.     i needed validation for everything and from everyone 
2.     i sought love and attention from my friends
3.     i became complacent or comfortable in certain situations
4.     Biggest of all co-dependency was my "middle name"
5.     i judged myself and others
6.     i continued to do the same things over and over again, expecting a different result (insanity to the highest degree)

In looking at the above list I realize how clever i am.  All i ever wanted was to prove how powerful i am.  The questions "what are you trying to prove and to whom" continued to pop into my head.   It was time for me to let go of my past fully and live in gratitude, praise and love consistently.  A belief i struggled with is one that says "a person must get far down the rabbit hole before the white flag is raised.”  i felt the need to hit rock bottom in order to ascend.   I attracted people in my space who validated my theory.  For the first time in my life I allowed myself to experience the pain and emptiness of getting in my own way. 

Have you ever consulted in a friend in hope to find the answers you’re looking for?  Have you ever found yourself in constant question about your purpose? Are you saddened by situations and experiences in life? At some point in our lives could all say yes to the questions above.  After building an empire down the rabbit hole, i grew weary and bored.  My scientific mind was on a mission to gather all the data i needed to prove the power of intention is real; anything is possible no matter how difficult things may seem and most importantly, the truth of who I am.  The only way i could let go of the pain and struggle was to go through it and surrender. 

The fact is I have a strong and “very” big ego that thrives on small mundane things.   The TRUTH is my higher self (authentic self, the I AM) is even more powerful and is always right.  Therefore, there was never a need to look for anything outside of myself.  All the answers to my questions were already within me.  Once I got out of my own way

I learned…
1.     That judgment on myself is an injustice
2.     Forgiveness in its entirety is the root to happiness
3.     Thoughts come and go like day and night so why get stuck on just one
4.     Trust my higher self and rely only on that
5.     My day is not at random, it is set by how I choose to live it and whose counsel I seek (ego or high self)
6.     Decisions are never made in isolation and they are continuous
7.     Above all else LOVE conquers all things

I am here to tell you there is another way of looking at all situations.  Never give up.  It is very difficult to be in conflict when you are in total trust.  We were all made by love, created with love, and most importantly, we are love so why not extend it.  The beliefs that keeps you stagnant or in fear, let them go.  I no longer have to go deep down the hole to know that I have the power to change my mind, it happens in an instant. Try it, you’ll see how simple it is to just be.  It is time to live in trust and believe that your higher self has everything handled.  Get out your own way.  Live your dream today.  You're worth it.


(i)              Ego

 I          Higher Self

1 comment:

  1. Andrea,

    You write beautifully and have shared a wonderful overview of life. I love point 6, "Decisions are never made in isolation and they are continuous." This is a powerful reminder that everything in my life influences my decisions and choices. Above all, I need to trust myself!

    Allison Turner
