Tuesday, July 12, 2011


The mission of VIP is to empower young people and everyone in their communities to take a stand for what they believe.  Most of the time we live in a story that is dictated by our past.  Many of us are unaware of this because we live in a dream.  In this dream we create experiences that drives our way of thinking.   Our thoughts are projected out of our minds and into the hearts of those around us.  In doing so, we witness illusions of fear, pain, distress, anger, resentment, animosity, depression and illnesses that causes us to be frail and weak.  None of this is true.

The Matrix reveals to us that we are in control of our own thoughts.  A Course in Miracles (ACIM) states that "it is your thoughts alone that cause you pain (lesson 190, pg 361)." If that is the case, then everyone around you are characters you single handed chose to support what ever it is you want to accept in your life.  Last week we focused on responsibility which is taking ownership for the results in our lives.  This week we will focus on the second virtue: HONESTY.

Honesty is the ability to accept the truth about who we really are and to let go of all illusions.  The truth is nothing but LOVE is real.  Your identity will never change.  You are guaranteed to live a life of success because you said so.  You are capable of having whatever you want in life.  If you want love then love yourself and everyone around.  This week we are going to focus on freeing ourselves from the past, living an honest life (in the moment) and accepting our true identity.

The steps below are a way for you to keep tract of your daily practices.  You will notice steps 1-3 are repetitive from the previous virtue.  They are the most important steps in this process. 

Steps 1: Each morning as soon as you awake ask yourself: Who am I today? You will know if the answer is coming from your true identity.  It will be natural, easy and loving.

Step 2: Go into a meditative state (10 minutes or more).  Envision yourself being who you say you are.

Step 3: Journal about the actions you took to support steps 1 and 2 (this can be done later in the evening).

Step 4: Any thoughts that enter into your mind about the past ask yourself: How is this serving the person I am today? Is this what I want? If the answer is no, then focus your mind on what it is you really want and be honest about it.

Step 5: You are going to be tested every second, minute and hour of the day. Be honest about your willingness to free yourself from the past.  Freedom takes courage.  I know you are courageous and strong.  We were all created from strength.  Remember you have the power within to do all things.  At times you may think the "world" is against you.  Be honest and take responsibility for where the initial thought came from (you).  Finally, if the thought isn't serving the greater YOU,  it is not real and choose something else.

Step 6: Speak the language of love.  Often times when we are having an experience of something 'negative' we tend to want to share it with others through story telling.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.  However, sometimes we could get caught up in the story, which then becomes who we think we are.  Give yourself five minutes to wallow in your story.  Once you're complete, shift or choose again.  Choose the identity of LOVE because that is who you are. 

Step 7: Celebrate.  Always take time to celebrate the wonderful, juicy, flavor of life.  You are reading my blog for various reasons and I believe one reason is to be awakened to your authentic self.  I recently wrote on my Facebook status, 'you never know how far you could go until you run.'  Lets run together with LOVE and HONESTY.

Have fun and know whatever you do it is perfect!

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